Over the Rhine bridge to Switzerland
Start of construction of the 211 m long three- span bridge over the river Rhine was on June 18, 2003. The bridge connects Rheinfelden (Baden) with Rhyfälde (Switzerland) and leads from the German A98 motorway to the Swiss A3 motorway.
For the foundation of the river piers, closed sheet pile casings had to be driven into the river bed. All reinforcing cages intended for the piers´ foundation were plaited onshore and put in place by divers. At the same time, the two abutment piers were built on bored pile foundations.
The superstructures were built using the cantilever construction method. As prestressing during the construction phase, prestressing elements as composite structures were used; for the final bridge structure additional external prestressing was required.
The bridge was opened to traffic on March 7, 2006.
Further details:
- 8,700 m³ concrete
- 1,100 t reinforcing steel
- 182 t composite prestressing steel
- 52 t external prestressing